2021/04 1 April – Good Friday Eve Special Event


2021/04 4 Apr & 9 May – The Family Life Educational Talk

Pls join us for the last two sessions of The Family Life Educational Talk which we host along with Fei Yue Family Service Centre. Learning about Fatherhood and Motherhood.

Please register for the physical class or join us via ZOOM.

2021/03 7, 14, 21 LCC Lent Seminar – Psalms and the Messiah

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Brief introduction of this talk

The book of Psalms is one of the most important books of the OT. It is the book that Jesus, and the NT authors, quoted from most. This is because the Psalter expresses God’s salvation plan for his people through the Messiah, as an unfurling of the Davidic Covenant. In these three sessions, we will explore briefly how the entire book of Psalms shows us Jesus is the Messiah.

Brief Bio of Dr. Peter Ho
Peter graduated with an M.Div in Biblical Studies from the Singapore Bible College in 2012 and pastored a small English congregation for about three years before leaving for the United Kingdom to pursue his PhD. Peter’s primary research area is the Book of Psalms. Peter is currently an Assistant Professor of Old Testament at the Singapore Bible College. He is married to Wendy and they are blessed with four young children.