2023/01 7 Jan LCC Co-Workers Retreat 2023: Serving God in Turbulent Times
Date: 7th Jan 2023, Saturday
Time: 9.15am-3.30pm
Venue:Logos Christian Church
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ivan Ee
Theme: Serving God in Turbulent Times
Session 1: 10.00-10.45am
Passage: 2 Peter 1:3-10
Title: The Growth and Steadfastness of the Servant
Session 2: 11.00-11.45am
Passage: 2 Samuel 23:8-39
Title: God’s Warrior Team
Rev. Dr. Ivan Ee’s profile:
Rev. Ee served in the Anglican Diocese of Singapore, was the former Chairman of the Chinese-speaking Works and Vicar of All Saints’ Church, and was also the Chaplain of the Anglican High Secondary School.
He graduated with a Bachelor of Theology and a Master of Divinity from Singapore Bible College. In 2004, he received his Doctor of Ministry Degree from Singapore Bible College as well, with his research subject matter on the Liturgy of the Anglican’s Holy Communion. In the same year, Rev Ee obtained a Master of Theology from Moore Theological College, Australia, on his study of parables in the Gospel of Matthew.
He is married to Pastor 胡淑娟.